SwimRun Rules of the Game
Team Policy
Teams of two must stay together within 10-meters of each other for the entire race. Teams
may use a bungee tow rope which can help even out the individual’s strengths allowing one
person to be ‘pulled’ along and will help to keep you close during the swims, however, they are
not mandatory. All teams are obliged to assist any team that is injured or sick and in need of
Aid Stations & Bathrooms
There are aid stations throughout the run course. These stations will have water, sport
hyrations, Gels of various flavors and bars. Teams should bring with them any other nutrition
they desire. There is a restroom at the main aid station.
Race Route
It is the responsibility of each team to know the course and be aware of each transition
location. Teams are responsible to make sure that they stay on the course. If any member of
your team goes off course, you should return to the spot that you went off course and continue.
The course will be marked; however, signage can be removed or changed by vandals without
Race Jersey
Race jerseys must be worn on the outside of your person at all times throughout the race.
Timing Chip
Timing chips will be distributed at the pre-race briefing. Timing chips must be worn by all
participants during the entirety of the race. The chip must be strapped to the ankle of one of the team members.
All participants must display courtesy, good taste, decorum and sportsmanship at all times.
This includes not littering or polluting the landscape or environment.