Navasota, TX US 77868
We have 2 days of racing for you! Saturday will be the Adventure race and Sunday the Duathlon. Do one or do both days of racing!
Check the tabs to the left for more info on the course, logistics and FAQ's
Dirt in Your Shoe Du is a race that is packed with adventure and fun! The event is located at the beautiful, private Magnolia Hill Ranch in Navasota and will consist of a 2-mile trail run, 9 mile bike, followed by another 2-mile trail run.
The run will be on a mix of single track trails through the piney woods and jeep/gravel roads winding through the property.
The bike will be on jeep/gravel roads- free from automobile traffic. This is a fast course- friendly to all levels of riders.
This ranch is open to events only, so take advantage of this time to come explore new grounds.
Sunday Races: The Adult Duathlon starts at 8:30, the Kids Duathlon starts at 11:30.
The Saturday Adventure race : 8:30 AM Start See schedule tab for more details:
Check out our Adventure race video here:
Trail run 3-5 miles
Bike 6-10 miles
Kayak/Paddle 1-2 miles
Special test/challenges: This will be a quick (usually 5-10 minutes) mental, physical or teamwork challenge. Example: Filling a bucket with water using a sponge.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
All athletes will receive a race shirt (if selected), and finisher medal.
The following awards will be given out:
Overall top male and female,
Overall top master's male and female.
Top 3 in age groups
Age groups are:
14-Under, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-Plus.
The Adventure race will have awards based by category and team size
Ex: Co-ed 2-person, Male 3-person and so on.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.