Rules & Regulations
NTB Fun TRY Challenge – Event rules/regulations
Have Fun! Be Safe! Enjoy being outdoors with other members of our community.
• There will be no refunds. Registration fee is a donation.
• If you feel sick or not well, please do the right thing and stay home.
• Body marking - Each participant will self-body mark before the event. BIB number on both upper arms and age on back of each calf. Have a family member or friend assist you.
• This is a contactless event and social distancing, and CDC guidelines are expected to be followed and respected by all participants, volunteers, sponsors, and spectators.
• All registered participants are required to check-in at least 30 minutes prior to your assigned wave start time at the check-in tables located in main transition. After check-in participants will be directed to the swim staging area.
• No glass containers will be permitted within any of the segments or inside the main transition.
• Respect the land, streets, and our community. Please do not litter. Trash cans are available at main transition and every aid station.
• Unsportsmanlike-Like Conduct: Foul, harsh, argumentative, or abusive language or other unsportsmanlike conduct directed at any event officials, safety officials, volunteers, spectators, or fellow athletes is forbidden.
• All personal equipment and belongings taken out onto the course must stay on the athlete the entire time. No garbage, clothing, gear, etc. shall be left or thrown on the course at any time.
• Emergency conditions may occur during the event. Please pay attention to your surroundings and follow the directions of course, event & safety personnel and volunteers.
• Event organizers have the right to reschedule or modify the event if circumstances warrant a change.
• Pay attention to your swim wave start time and be prepared when your wave is called.
• The swim course is marked very clearly with large yellow and red buoys.
• Rolling start – Participants will start event 5 seconds apart
• Each following start wave will be required to stay in the roped off staging area until their wave is called.
• 6’social distancing is required among participants, volunteers, sponsors and all those associated with event.
• Water Temps will be cool, participants need to dress appropriate to their personal comfort level. Proper respectful attire is always required, wetsuits are permitted but not required. Should participants choose to wear a wetsuit, they must always keep in their possession. There are no areas to store any personal gear during this event.
• North Topsail Beach Fire & Rescue will be providing water support and safety during swim segment.
• Participants must take all their personal belongings/gear with them upon leaving the swim zone area.
• After completing the swim, all participants will be directed by volunteers to the showers located on ramp of the access building. (Note: all participants must rinse and reasonably dry off prior to proceeding to cycle segment)
• Participants are required to put their tennis shoes / closed sole shoe on prior to proceeding to the cycle segment. (Bare foot nor sandals of any kind will be permitted during the Cycle or run segments)
• Participants must have tennis shoes/full covered shoes prior to getting on or participating in the spin-cycling segment.
• Spin-cycling segment will be held under the tents in the main transition area located in the northside parking lot. Participants will be directed by volunteers to an available cycle.
• Each participant will be directed to a spin-cycle, briefly fitted by a volunteer. Participants will then complete 10 miles or 30 minutes of cycling whichever comes first at their individual skill level.
• We recommend not bringing values, headphones, cell phones, or any electronic devices of any kind. The event organizers and all affiliates will not be responsible for any participants personal items.
• We want you to have fun, but please respect the cycling equipment as if it were yours.
• Participants must wear tennis shoes/closed sole shoe while participating in the run segment.
• Participants must stay on the right shoulder of run course and be aware of traffic flow.
NTB Fun TRY Challenge is a community fundraising event focused on offering families, friends, and visitors of all ages an opportunity to have safe fun fitness at their individual skill level while raising funds to two great organizations. As a friendly reminder, participants are responsible for not only themselves, but also their minor children on event day. Spinning on Sunshine LLC, Onslow Parks and Recreation and NTB Fire & Rescue and all event affiliates does not assume responsibility for any child left unattended during the event.