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Sun August 17, 2025 Cupertino, CA 95014 US


Silicon Valley Kids Triathlon Non-Competitive

$155 $105
357 spots left. Price increases after August 10, 2025 at 11:59pm PDT
Open to ages 4 - 7.

Silicon Valley Kids Duathlon Non-Competitive

$145 $95
357 spots left. Price increases after August 10, 2025 at 11:59pm PDT
Open to ages 4 - 7.

Silicon Valley Kids Super-Sprint

$155 $105
357 spots left. Price increases after August 10, 2025 at 11:59pm PDT
Open to ages 11 - 17.

Silicon Valley Kids Triathlon Competitive

$155 $105
357 spots left. Price increases after August 10, 2025 at 11:59pm PDT
Open to ages 6 - 15.

Silicon Valley Kids Duathlon Competitive

$145 $95
357 spots left. Price increases after August 10, 2025 at 11:59pm PDT


Thanks to everyone who registered early! Although we originally advertised 300 Early Bird slots, we ended up increasing that to 400. And then because the registration software is weird, that increased to 408.

However, Menlo Park Kids Tri has over 60 early bird registrations left and the East Bay Kids Tri is not limiting their Early Bird slots since it's their first year!


The Silicon Valley Kids Triathlon (“SVKT”) is one of the country’s largest triathlons specifically for kids aged FOUR through SEVENTEEN. 

There are three triathlon events to choose from. The traditional Kids Tri is for kids aged 4 to 15, where kids can choose between competitive and non-competitive  levels. The Super-Sprint is for kids 11 to 17. Kids 11 - 15 can choose the shorter distances of the traditional event or the longer distances of the Super-Sprint. 

A duathlon is a run-bike-run. Kids will run from the start area to transition, then complete the same bike and run courses with the same distances as those doing the full triathlon.

7 & Under Non - Competitive event 
ONE Parent (or other adult) is allowed to accompany their child aged 7 & under in non-competitive event throughout the entire race including accompanying them at (not in) the pool and running beside them on the bike and run. Because this age is getting help from their parent and because of their developmental stage, they will not be timed nor ranked.

Parents of children aged 6 to 10 in competitive events may come into transition to help setup and tear down their kid's spot. Children aged 11 and up are developmentally ready to race on their own!

Distance By Age

Event distances are based on the age of the athlete as of Dec 31, 2025:


De Anza Community College
21250 Stevens Creek Blvd
Cupertino, CA US 95014

Bay Area Kids Triathlon Series

Mission: To introduce the sport of triathlon to young people in our community in a safe and fun environment. Distances are short and intended to expose our youngest triathletes to the basic elements of triathlon. We also hope to counteract the negative effects of too much television and electronic activity, and encourage young boys and girls, ages 4 up to 17, to lead a healthy lifestyle and to enjoy the benefits of outdoor activities.

More series information at

USAT Membership

A USAT membership is required for this race.  USAT is the governing body for Triathlons in the United States.  They establish the rules we follow and provide the insurance for our event.

What is "Triathlon Age"?

In order to keep participant ages consistent at multiple races throughout the year, USAT considers your age to be your age on December 31st of the current year. For example, a person who will be turning 8 years old anytime during the year is considered 8 years old for the entire year (even if their birthday has not passed yet. 

USAT Rules

More USAT rules are HERE. Not all of them apply to Youth events. If a rule is different there, the rules here supersede the ones on the USAT website.

Inclusion and Accommodations

The Silicon Valley Kids Triathlon is an inclusive race. All USAT sanctioned events allow athletes to compete in the gender category they identify with. If that choice is different from their assigned sex at birth, pre-registration of their gender category is required. If you are unsure of how to do this, do not hesitate to contact us at and we will walk you through the process.

If an athlete has other special needs, contact us at least one (1) month before the race and we will work together to come up with a race plan that takes their needs into account.


The Silicon Valley Kids Triathlon has a limited number of scholarships available. They are available to youth whose household income is under $85,000 (based on Bay Area AGI). To request a scholarship, please fill out the form at this url:

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Partner Charities

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Friends & Family Sponsors

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