2023 Athlete Guide
Date and Location
The 2023 Crisfield Triathlon will take place on Sunday, May 21st, 2023 at the American Legion #16, located at 116 Lorie Quinn Drive, in Crisfield, MD. Parking will be located in a large grass lot in the immediate area and transition and the finish line are 100 yards away from your vehicle.
Packet Pickup
Packet pickup will be RACE DAY ONLY and will be also held at the American Legion #16. Packet pickup will begin at 7:00am.
Packet pickup for adults will be continuous, from 7:30am to 8:45 am. Transition will close at 8:45am.
Please be sure to bring identification. Your USAT number has been verified prior to packet pickup, but we will need a photo ID to verify your identity.
Bibs will be assigned to you as your check in. Bike racking will be first come, first serve.
Race Day Registration
There WILL be Race Day Registration. You MUST provide a current USA Triathlon card or you will have to purchase a one-day license, for an additional fee
Schedule of events
7:00 - 8:45 am Packet pickup and on site registration
8:00 am - Youth Triathlon begins
9:00 am Adult Triathlon begins (Wave 1 – 9:00 All males/Duathlon Wave 2 - 9:05 All females)
All aquabike athletes will start with their appropriate gender wave 10:05 Estimated first finisher
11:30 Estimated last finisher and awards
Youth Event
200 yard swim in shallow water, 2 Mile Bike, .5 Mile Run
Due to the distance to get out to the start area is so far away, we are going to do a typical WAVE start for the event. All males will start in Wave 1. All females will start in Wave 2.
Please be sure to enter the water with the appropriate group as you are timed based on the start of that wave.
You MAY use a personal float for safety, if you are concerned.
The swim will be an open water swim start. Adults will walk out from the sandy shore, to the end of the large pier, and will start near a large green buoy. Adults will then swim towards the large ORANGE BUOYS. ORANGE BUOYS ARE TURN BUOYS. When you reach an orange buoy, keep that buoy to your right and make the turn to the next buoy. YELLOW buoys will be placed in between, so that you can sight to the next turn buoy.
The exit for the event will be the beach area at Wellington Beach, adjacent to the transition area.
Course Markings
The bike course will be marked with ORANGE arrows on the ground and will have arrow signs at every turn. A course map is available, with turn by turn directions, on the main site (www.CrisfieldTriathlon.com) under Course Maps. Law enforcement will be out on course to assist you at heavy intersections. If you know of any persons who would like to volunteer to help direct you on course, please have them check out the VOLUNTEER tab on the main page
USA Triathlon rules state that bicycles should stay 3 bike lengths away.
Common rule violations
In addition to the aforementioned drafting, you can find a list of common rules at the USA Triathlon website at https://www.teamusa.org/-/media/USA_Triathlon/PDF/Officials/2023/Eight-Commonly- Violated-USAT-Rules.pdf
All participants MUST wear a helmet. No helmet, no ride. The chin strap for the helmet MUST be fastened.
As this is a USA Triathlon sanctioned event, the use of headphones is prohibited. You will be asked to remove the headphones, should you be seen wearing them.
Assistance on course
There will be very little motor assistance on course. Please ensure that you have the materials necessary to change a flat tire, in case you have a puncture. If there is an emergency on course, please let a law enforcement officer on course know the emergency and approximate location.
The run course map can be found under COURSES at www.CrisfieldTriathlon.com The run will be a large, single loop. The run course will be marked by GREEN arrows on the ground, in addition to arrow signs at all turns.
The course IS OPEN to vehicle traffic, so please be aware of your surroundings. We are trying to control all major intersections but there will be businesses that we will run by and we cannot control every entrance and exit.
Please do not wear headphones so that you are able to be aware of your surroundings during the run.
There will be ONE aide station on the run course, near McCready Hospital. This is just over a mile in to the run course. This aide station will have water and Gatorade. There will also be cups of water at the RUN OUT chute.
Aqua-Velo Participants
If you are an Aqua Velo (Swim and then Bike) participant, your time will officially end when you come in to transition. We welcome you to come over and pass under the finish line after racking your bike. YOU MUST ENTER TRANSITION WITH YOUR BIKE! Please do not ride your bike across the finish line.
Duathlon Participants
Duathlon participants will start their 1 mile run when WAVE 1 of the swim is released. You will start from the finish line area. When you come in to transition, you will enter in through the Swim In/Run Out chute, and will be shown that prior to leaving for your event. You will then continue on the bike and run portion and finish as every other athlete.
Relay Participants
Relay participants will make their exchange of their chip in transition, at the bike rack area. Each team will only have ONE chip per team, and it must be passed along to the other member of the team.
After Party
The Crisfield Lions Club will have food for the athletes as a part of your registration. You should have been able to select either a Soft Crab Sandwich, or a Crab Cake, as part of your registration. You are allowed ONE (1) free sandwich as a part of your registration. Additional food is available for purchase for spectators and athletes. There will also be beer for sale from the American Legion.
There will be Water, Gatorade, Soda available for athletes at the conclusion of the event, along with some light snacks.
Please consider heading in to Crisfield to support many of the local restaurants and businesses that will open up for us at noon! We have spoken to Bubby’s Wing Shack, Waterman’s Inn and The Gathering Place Restaurant and know they will be open. We are hoping that Linton’s Crab Deck may be open too, for those wishing to sample some hard crabs!
Awards will be given for the Top 3 Males, Top 3 Females, and Top 3 in each age, as defined by USA Triathlon.
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