Do you love to take on a Challenge? Do you like to run/walk in a lot of races? Do you love to get discounts on KCRC Races? How about having a discount at the KC Running store? Love to get special exclusive offers and events? Love feeling part of a community?
If the answer is yes, then come join the crew and be part of the KCRC Team!
Here what you get:
· A special team apparel item
· Entry into one of the “I Run KC Challenges” (the 30K Missouri Challenge, the 30K Kansas Challenge, the 100K Challenge, or the 200K Challenge)
· KCRC race discounts
· KCRC store discounts
· Chances to win free race entries and swag throughout the year, along with special goodies at some of the KCRC races
· Exclusive offers and events throughout the year that only race team members will be invited to
Signup for this membership if you want to do the 30K Missouri Challenge (included in your membership). You can add more challenges by going to the store section and purchasing another challenge.
The 30K Missouri Challenge - six 5K races, one each from six different area Missouri cities, from a participating list of events between January 1 and December 31, 2020. Once you sign up for the 30K Challenge, you can then go directly to the participating race registration site and sign up for that race directly. You can add more challenges by going to the store section and purchasing another challenge.
Signup from Now until September 1, 2020 for the membership. Membership expires 12/31/2020
Signup for this membership if you want to do the 100K Challenge ( included in your membership).You can add more challenges by going to the store section and purchasing another challenge.
The 100K Challenge - ten 10K races from the list of participating races between January 1 and December 31, 2020. Once you sign up for the 100K Challenge you can then go directly to the participating race registration sites and sign up for those races directly.
Signup from Now until September 1, 2020 for the membership. Membership expires 12/31/2020
Signup for this membership if you want to do the 200K Challenge ( included in your membership). You can add more challenges by going to the store section and purchasing another challenge.
The 200K Challenge is the largest and most flexible of the Challenges, as you can reach your 200K goal by doing any combination of the participating races in the 30K Challenge, the 100K Challenge, and the half marathons on the list of participating races between January 1 and December 31, 2020. Like the other Challenges, once you sign up for the 200K Challenge, you can then go directly to the participating race registration sites and sign up for those races directly.
Signup from Now until September 1, 2020 for the membership. Membership expires 12/31/2020
Signup for this membership if you want to do the 30K Missouri Challenge (included in your membership). You can add more challenges by going to the store section and purchasing another challenge.
The 30K Kansas Challenge - six 5K races, one each from six different area Kansas cities, from a participating list of events between January 1 and December 31, 2020. Once you sign up for the 30K Challenge, you can then go directly to the participating race registration site and sign up for that race directly. You can add more challenges by going to the store section and purchasing another challenge.
Signup from Now until September 1, 2020 for the membership. Membership expires 12/31/2020
Name | Title |
Jenny | Steen |
If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.
Sign Up for the club now until September 1, 2020, membership will expire 12/31/2020.
Your Membership expires on December 31, 2020