What we mean by Athlete Centered Racing
This is just some of what it means to us when we say Athlete Centered Racing:
- Pre-race; you will hear back from Mark H. Wilson - Race Director or Tonia H. Wilson - Race Administrator within 24 hours when you send us an email or text and we will do our best to accommodate you.
- The Athlete Guide is published early so that you have time to understand parking, check-in, race rules, etc and time to ask questions if you don't so that you are prepared on race day.
- Race day; we will provide ample signage so that you can find your way around the venue and on the courses. It's pretty hard to get lost on one of our courses.
- Time; everyone's time is important. Our races will start on time. Please respect that both for yourself and for the others racing with us.
- Friendly, non-threatening atmosphere; you will be treated with respect, welcomed and appreciated. We ask that you treat us and our volunteers and staff the same.
Size of races; our largest triathlon will not be over 350 participants by choice. We like the small field of athletes so that we can make it a fun and safe experience for everyone.
- On-course support; this is a biggie for us! On any of our run courses you will find the following items; Hammer Nutrition Gels, HEED and Endurolytes, water, (ice if a hot day), first aid kit. For the larger races (Running Festivals and CassadagaMan) you will find an aid station on every mile of the run with Coke, candy, chips/pretzels, pickles, pickle juice, and fruit. You never know what you will need at that moment and neither do we, but it will be there in case you do. It may be self-serve as we don't always have enough volunteers to cover all of them, but it will be there for you.
- Environment; ample trash and recycle containers at the race site and on course. We ask that you do your best to help us. Our biggest pet peeve is littering! Please don't do it. (We have and will DQ you) Hold on to it until you can dispose of it properly. Pay attention to which container you are using. And, as you leave the race site, please take care of the race site as if it were your own backyard.
- Post-race; FOOD! Real food. Each race is different, whether it's pancakes made by the Race Director, pot luck picnic, grilled burgers and dogs, or a full menu choice from our caterer on-site, you will be fed. Chicken Broth on cold days (new in 2022). Coffee. Body Armor. Beer Zone by our amazing sponsors at Southern Tier Brewing Company. You will walk away not just with a race under your belt, but a fun, fulfilling after-party for you and your spectators.
We are proud of our races and what we offer to our participants. We are not out to make millions; just to make a living while creating something that gives you an opportunity to accomplish great things. We love the friends and family that have been created by our events. When we say a Wilson Endurance Sports event is Grass-roots, Athlete Centered racing, we truly mean it.