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Albany Community Triathlon 2024

Sun September 22, 2024 Albany, CA 94706 US

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Community notifications before race day

Flyer distribution to neighbors 14d before event High Priority

September 8, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Distribute event flyers to the houses of neighbors located on the course and along the feeder streets that intersect the course


Meet at the Aquatic Center to pick up flyers and coordinate blocks.

Resources Needed

Flyers - 250 - 300

No parking sign set up 72hr before event High Priority

September 18, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Set up A-frames along the sidewalks around Memorial park on BOTH sides of the street, with signs saying: "No Parking - Tow Away - Albany Community Triathlon - Sunday NN MONTH - 7am–1pm". Can use poles and trees as well as A-frames, spaced about every 2-3 car parking spots.


Meet at the Aquatic Center to coordinate.

Resources Needed

A-frames from City - 70 - 80
No parking signs from City - 70 - 80

Race Day setup and take down

Course set up High Priority

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


City of Albany will provide barricades, A-frames, barricades, traffic cones provided by the City that we load into a rental truck. We have additional fencing for transition area. Tasks include: set up barricades and A-frames on streets to block traffic. Block off transition area w/ barricades/A-frames and fencing. Set up bike racks. Chalk mark bike mount & dismount zones on street, arrows on sidewalk for swim exit to transition area and run course turns, Install course signs. Post course map & heat start time sheets near registration area/Aquatic center. Set up A-frames to protect sensor pads, assist vendors set up in vendor area. Set up aid station on the stage (water cooler, Gatorade, and cups). Set up cones + flags on Carmel & Thousand Oaks close to the curb for runners. Remove trash and other debris from the streets & sidewalks. Install curb ramps for bikes into/out of transition area. Help clear any parked cars from the course (locate owners or have them towed).


All around the bike & run courses

Resources Needed

Vehicle to haul A-frames & barricades - 1 - 2

Course take down Medium Priority

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Take down barricades, A-frames, cones, transition area fencing, and signs (including No Parking signs). Pick up trash, dismantle and return bike racks (Albany Strollers & Rollers, Wolfpack). Return barricades, A-frames and cones to Memorial park barn area behind Vets building. Photograph Lost and Found items and email to participants. Remove debris from street & sidewalk.


All around the bike & run courses

Resources Needed

Vehicle to haul A-frames & barricades - 1 - 2


Registered athlete check-in High Priority

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Check-in arriving pre-registered athletes and give them their race packet (for athletes who did not pick up their packet on Saturday). Inform athlete of their swim heat & start time, noted on wrist band. Instruct athletes how to attach their wrist band, bike band, and timing chip. Instruct relay team registrants how to transfer the timing chip to their team members during the race.


Registration area, near Aquatic Center main entrance

Athlete body marking Medium Priority

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Write athlete's race number on their upper arms using a wide sharpie marker. Write athletes's age group on their left calf. Age groups are: 9-14, 15-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75+


Registration area, near Aquatic Center main entrance

Resources Needed

Wide-tipped black sharpie - 2 - 4

Swim Course

Swim course lap counter High Priority

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Count laps for swimmers, assist swimmers in finding an open lane, and help clear swimmers out of the swim lane before the start of the next swim heat. Time slots overlap so lap counters in the later time slot can watch operations before taking over.


Pool deck

Resources Needed

Lane counter poles - 10

Assistant to Swim course Captain Low Priority

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Run errands and communications for Swim Course Captain, provide relief to a lap counter for bathroom breaks


Pool deck

Bike Course

Bike Course Marshall High Priority

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Stationed in the street along the bike course to monitor intersections, direct participants and spectators who need to enter or leave the event area or Memorial Park, assisting them to cross the street safely and avoid getting in the way of cyclists on the bike course. Marshalls also need to stop vehicle drivers and other non-participants from attempting to cross the street. Must be proactive and willing to yell commands at strangers: "Stop! Don't cross now! Bike race in progress!" Secondary job: cheering for cyclists on the course!


One person at each street corner near the barricade, 1 at each mid-block intersection barricade, plus 1 roving adult with walkie.

Resources Needed

Walkie Talkie - 2

Bike Course Captain High Priority

You must be 21 or older to volunteer for this task.

September 22, 2024


Adult to serve as the coordinator for the bike course marshalls, instructing them on their jobs and stations. Should stay in communication via walkie with the roving adult course marshalls. Enforce helmet requirement, no drafting rule, and general safety for cyclists on the course. Provide first aid for any injured athletes.


Roving along bike course

Resources Needed

Walkie Talkie - 1

Bike Course Orator & flag waver Medium Priority

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Stand inside a traffic cone circle on the street waving a flag. Shout info to bikers on the course: "Do 12 loops and count them!" — "Continuing racers stay left!" — "Finishing racers dismount to the right!" — "Go go go!"


Portland Ave on the street right in front of the bike in/out exit from the transition area,

Resources Needed

Flag - 1
Speaking trumpet (or loud voice!) - 1

Run Course

Run Course Marshall High Priority

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Stationed along the run course to direct runners on the course and assist spectators who need to enter or leave the event area or Memorial Park helping them avoid blocking the athletes on the run course. Key traffic spots are (1) near storage units where runners (and swimmers) enter the grass field and (2) on grass field ahead of the finish line directing continuing runners to turn right and finishing runners to go straight to cross finish line. Must be proactive and willing to yell commands at strangers: "Stop! Don't cross now! Running race in progress!" Secondary job: cheering for runners on the course!


One at each corner of the sidewalks around Memorial Park and AHS. One on the sidewalk near storage units where the run course goes onto the grass field. One ahead of the the finish area on the grass field.

Run Course Captain High Priority

You must be 21 or older to volunteer for this task.

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Adult to serve as the coordinator for the run course marshalls, instructing them on their jobs and stations. Ensure general safety for runners on the course. Provide first aid for any injured athletes. Should stay in communication via walkie with the help desk captain.


Roving along the run course

Resources Needed

Walkie Talkie - 1

Timing Chip Collector Medium Priority

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Help finishing runners remove the timing chip from their ankle and collect them securely to be given back to Danny (chip timing guy) at the finish area.


Finish line (end of run course)

Resources Needed

Bucket or bag - 1

Transition Area

Race transition Helper T1 Medium Priority

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Give directions to racers as they transition between swimming and biking. On sidewalk at pool exit, point them towards the storage unit. At storage unit, direct them into the grass field (transition area). In transition area, direct athletes to the bike course on Portland Ave, exiting the transition area over the timing mats located at "Bike In/Out" sign.


Sidewalk near pool exit gates. Sidewalk near the storage units by the transition area entrance. Also in the transition area.

Race transition Helper T2 Medium Priority

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Give directions to racers as they transition between biking and running. Tell bikers to dismount on the street and help guide them into the transition area. There will be a curb ramp to assist. In transition area, direct athletes starting the run to exit over the timing mat located at the "Run Out" sign towards the stage.


Bike dismount zone along Portland Ave and in the transition area.

Course "crowd control" and bike security Marshall High Priority

You must be 21 or older to volunteer for this task.

September 22, 2024


Help dissipate onlookers at the transitions: swim to bike and bike to run. Keeping the transition area clear of non-participants (parents helping kids=ok). Provide bike security for participants leaving the transition area: ensuring their wrist band # matches their bike band #.


Transition area main entrance and exit point near storage units

Help Desk

Help Desk Assistant High Priority

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Assistant for the help desk captain.


At the Help desk and roving as needed by the help desk captain.

Miscellaneous Help

Water Aid Helper Low Priority

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Fill water cups and hand out to racers on the run course, as well as post-race.


Memorial park stage

Short Course Helpers High Priority

You must be 16 or older to volunteer for this task.

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Help Short Course participants get set up in the transition area, focusing on younger kids. Double check that the kids have the items necessary for the race (body markings, timing chip, wrist and bike bands with bib and heat number, a helmet next to their bike), guide racers verbally during the race. Assist parents as needed.


Transition area for the Short Course participants

Timing Mat Helpers Medium Priority

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Help ensure racers run over the timing mats during the event at each sensor pad location. Ensure that athletes wearing timing chips DON'T walk over the timing mats BEFORE their heat starts. Generally keep the timing mat area and vicinity clear of anyone not competing on the course.


Location of timing mats at the pool exit, transition area at the "bike in/out" and "run out" exits, and at the finish line.

Timing Back-Up Helper High Priority

September 22, 2024


Manual tracking of athlete times at the finish line to capture results in case of any trouble with the automated chip timing system.


Finish line, near the stage.

On-Call Float Helper Low Priority

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Be available to fill in if people who signed up for a volunteer task do not show up. Must be reachable by phone during the shift to step in as needed for a task at short notice.


At event or in the near vicinity and able to arrive within 15 minutes.

Event Photographer Medium Priority

You must be 16 or older to volunteer for this task.

September 22, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Cruise around the course with your camera taking pictures and videos of participants in the race. Use your own camera or smartphone. Must have good photography skills. Upload photos & videos to a Google photo album and share with race participants.


All around the course: pool, bike course, run course, transition area, finish line. Cover short course race (8-9am) and main course (9:15 - 11:15)

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