Olympic Course Description
The swim takes place in beautiful Clarks Hill Lake (also know to South Carolinians as Strom Thurmond Reservior). Participants will have the rush of a sandy beach start prior to the swim of 1500 meters clockwise in a triangular shape with bouys being placed at 150-200 meter intervals.
The bike course is a lollipop shape. Participants will head right out of West Dam Park and onto Clarks Hill Road, this is a five mile section of flat fast riding. After crossing Washington Road participants will veer right onto Cobham Road. The next turn will be a right onto Ray Owens Road. Follow Ray Owens to Tom Bartles Rd and turn left. Continue on Tom Bartles Rd to Cobham Rd and turn left. Follow Cobham Rd and make a right on Crawford Place Rd. Follow Crawford Place Rd as it veers to the left and continue to Ray Owens Rd. Turn left on Ray Owens. At the 4 way turn right onto Cobham follow back to Clarks Hill Rd, turn left onto Clarks Hill at the 4-way stop, and follow Clarks Hill Rd back to West Dam Park on the left of the rd. Overall this course is rolling with one aid station located around the 12 mile mark.
The run is an out and back course, which will take participants back down Clarks Hill Road and into the neighboring park. The course will be moderately shaded, fairly flat, with aid stations each mile.