Kaseya Center (Miami Heat Arena )
is the closest Parking Garage and will be open at 5 AM
$10.00 Parking Fee
Arena does not take cash payments
P2 is the designated parking lot. All vehicles must exit by 11 AM
IMPORTANT: On race morning, Northbound Biscayne Blvd will be counter-flowed onto South Bound Biscayne Blvd from 8th Street to NE 11th Street. Unauthorized vehicles will NOT have access to the Maurice Ferrer Park, Frost Center, and PAM until 9:30 AM. To access P2 turn east off Biscayne Blvd on Bayshore, then left into area lot P2 Parking Garage.
PLEASE NOTE: Anyone parking in the lots listed below MUST return before Noon (12 PM) to retrieve their vehicles. At Noon, ALL gates and the garage will be locked so any vehicles left will remain inside until Monday. If you choose to park in a different lot than the designated below or park at a metered space, you must PAY to park. NOT all lots are free unless specifically designated below. There is NO PARKING in any museum lots for any vehicles or buses.
TRANSPORTATION: The Metrorail and Metromover will be open and can be used to get to the race. You must get on the OUTER LOOP of the Metromover to get to the closest stop next to Miami-Dade Arena/ Miami Heat Arena. Please give yourself enough time as trains run less often on the weekend. Do not park in any other lot than where we have identified/designated on the map. Park in other lots at your own risk.