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Pinehurst Triathlon Festival

Saturday - April 12, 2025 Pinehurst, NC 28374 US Directions

Race Shirt Policy

"No Shirt/No Swag" Registration Option:

Participants racing as individuals have the option of registering for a race at a discounted price and NOT receiving the race shirt and any “swag” given away at the race. If you opt to do this, select the registration category that fits you (Age Group, Clydesdale, Athena, etc.), and when you get to the stage during this registration process where you pick your race shirt size – you’ll see a “No Shirt/No Swag” option – and the discounted amount.

Relay team members do not have this option. They will automatically receive race shirts.

Race Shirt Deadline: 

In order to receive a Race Shirt - participants must register no later than March 30, 2025.

Race Shirt Purchasing:

If you registered after the Race Shirt deadline - check at the finish line at the conclusion of the race. If any inventory remains, Race Shirts will be sold for $10.

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