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Cayuga Lake Triathlon

Sat August 1 - Sun August 2 Trumansburg, NY 14886 US Directions


2020 Cayuga Lake Triathlon Cancelled

Dear CLT Athletes, 

I am very sad to announce that we are cancelling what would have been the 18th consecutive running of the Cayuga Lake Triathlon. Like many of you, we were holding out hope that we could safely offer you a race, a race that was up to the standards for which you know and love our event. However, after much deliberation and consideration our crew has decided to cancel. As you can imagine, this decision was extremely hard and disappointing for us, but we ultimately made it out of concern for the health and safety of our athletes and volunteers, and the very real concern that we would not be able to operate with the level of safety and professionalism we pride ourselves for. Moreover, we are a not-for-profit, all volunteer crew, and our organization could not sustain the financial loss that operating not at full capacity would cause. 

We are offering either deferrals to 2021 or full refunds (minus the RunSignUp processing fee). Please look for an email shortly with further instructions as to how to proceed. 

We hope to return next year stronger than ever and we hope you will join us. 

Be well, 
Alex Kleinerman 
USAT Certified Race Director 

Here Are Your Options:

We will transfer your registration to the 2021 race, and look forward to having you join us. 

You understand that events are expensive, even when cancelled, and you want us to keep your registration fees to help cover our costs. We deeply appreciate your generosity and look forward to seeing you at an event soon. Please know that we are a not-for-profit 501c-3, so your donation is tax deductible . 

We very much understand. We hope you can join us next time.


18th Annual Cayuga Lake Triathlon

Sunday August 2nd, 2020! 

Cayuga Lake Triathlon (CLT) is organized by the Ithaca Triathlon Club and is a USA Triathlon sanctioned event. The Finger Lakes Region of upstate New York is home to a number of world famous wineries. Taughannock Falls State Park, about 8 miles north of Ithaca, provides a picturesque setting for the whole family to enjoy the triathlon, along with public swimming, a playground, shaded picnic areas and hiking trails. Tent, RV and cabin camping is available, and the Park maintains a marina with a boat ramp for access to Cayuga Lake. The park is an excellent spot for families with a beach and swim area and large playground.


Taughannock Falls State Park
1740 Taughannock Blvd,
Trumansburg, NY US 14886

Relay Teams

Each relay team member must register themselves, accept the waiver, and fulfill USAT Membership requirements.

Steps for on-line registration:
1) team captain registers as the first person on the team
- select relay registration category
- team captain creates the team name and pays the entire entry fee.
2) team members register for the race and join the team:
- select relay registration category
- select the team name from list of already registered teams 
- complete the registration process with NO payment due

Please note: If team members do NOT select the pre-existing team they are joining, full price will be charged.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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