
Run Course: Both duathlon run courses and the 5K run course are the same. The turnaround point is marked, volunteers will direct you.
- Bib number must be visible at ALL TIMES and MUST be worn ON FRONT while running. It is MANDATORY during both runs and when you cross the finish line.
Bike Course: Is an out and back course on Hwy 71. Participants will proceed south on Hwy 71 to Woolsey Road and then return to the Arkansas Air and Military Museum and the transition area. The bike course has less than 300 feet elevation gain.
- Both Motorcycle and race support personnel will be acting as draft marshals on the course
Transition: There is one single transition area in the parking lot which is located in front of the museum building.
- 10 and 11 years old's may compete in a team with permission from race director.
- Teams can be made up of two or three people. One person can do two legs of the race
- Chip Timing: Team members will transfer the ankle bracelet to team member upon completing their particular event. If there are two separate runners, the team must use a race belt
- After the run starts, the relay members are allowed back in transition and they wait at the bike. When the runner comes to the bike, they pass off the timing chip then the biker puts on their helmet and unracks their bike. When the biker returns to the transition area AND after the biker racks the bike, then the chip is passed off to the runner.
- Have basic race questions? Check out Questions 101
TIME LIMITS: Run 1 hour, Bike 1.5 hours, Run 1 hour
MINIMUM AGE: To compete as an individual 12 years of age. 10 / 11 year olds may compete as teams with permission from Race Director
- Courses are marked however, it is the racer's responsibility to know the courses
- There are 2 aid stations on the run course - at the turnaround point and the transition area
- Water, Gatorade, Oranges and Bananas will be available as each racer finishes
- Neutral Bike service will be provided before the race and at the mandatory bike check-in by Lewis & Clark Outfitters.
- Parking is adjacent to the Transition area, in the Airport parking lot
- Do not leave personal gear or equipment on the racecourse
- All USA Triathlon Rules and Regulations will be observed
- Event will be held rain or shine
- NO Parking on Hwy 71B
- All Duathlon competitors are REQUIRED to have a current USA Triathlon license or purchase a one event or annual USAT license in order to compete
- USAT License Info: Adult - $15 one event or $50 annual. Youth (17 and under) - $15 annual. There is not a one-event license option for youth.
- When registering for The Iron Pig Duathlon, if competitors are NOT USAT Triathlon annual license holders you will automatically be charged for either the one event or annual license fee depending on which one you choose.
- A competitor can apply the one event license fee to an annual membership later in the year with USAT.
- Only one-day licenses may be purchased at packet pick-up.
See "Note from Head Referee"
See How to Race for additional tips
Timing Chip
- This event is timed with an electronic chip, which is to be worn around a participant's ankle on a ankle bracelet (provided)
- Each participant (team or individual) must wear the ankle bracelet - NO CHIP, NO TIME!
- Lost chips or chips not returned will result in a $45 replacement fee. If you elect not to finish the race (DNF), please return your chip to the FINISH LINE immediately.
Race Numbers (4)
- Bike frame number – attach to the seat post (see onsite example)
- Helmet number (FRONT of helmet)
- Bib number must be visible when you start the run AND must be worn on the front
- Body Tattoos for race number - Left Upper Arm Race #, Right Calf Race #, Left Calf Racing Age or Team Code (TM – Men, TW – Women, TC – Coed)
- Friday at the Arkansas Air & Military Museum from 6 - 7 pm USA Triathlon certified coaches will discuss race-day preparation, nutrition, key do's and don'ts. Don't forget to bring your questions!
TRANSITION/STAGING AREA DIRECTIONS: The transition area is located in the first parking area of the Airport parking lot (closest to Hwy 71).
- Transition Protocol and Checklist
- Opens at 7 am
- The MOUNT / DISMOUNT LINE is located on South side of Transition Area
- Helmets will be checked to make sure they are Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) approved before you enter the tranisition area
- Chin straps must be buckled at all times while on the bike before, during and after the race
- Bar end plugs will be checked. Lewis and Clark Outfitters will provide them at no charge, but you have to replace them yourself.
- 4 bikes per side or 8 bikes per section
- Bike rack position in the Transition Area in on a First-Come basis with your personal items on the LEFT of your bike as you are facing the racks. DO NOT move someone else's equipment
- There is a limited area and time available for athletes to rack their bike and set up a transition site. Please keep gear to a minimum and organized during event.
- NO GLASS CONTAINERS allowed in Transition Area
- NO ONE is allowed to remove bike until Transition Coordinator opens area