Warrington, PA US 18976
DQ Events Race Series
This event is part of the DQ Events Grand Prix and DQ Events Club Challenge.
You are scored for an overall placement, an age group placement, and for finishing the event. At the end of the series there will be prizes for free entries for next season and more! Kayak and Non-Multisport events do not gain points.
To be scored in the Grand Prix all you have to do is place in the Overall, Age Group, or finish the race!
To be scored in the Club Challenge you need to select your club during registration and then place in Overall, Age Group, or finish the race!
Please click the links above to learn more; the most up-to-date information will be found on
Registration is digital. There are no paper applications nor is cash accepted. Everyone must sign up online. Online registration closes at the start of the race. Please have the following items easily accesible to maintain the efficiency and speed of Packet Pickup:
- Required: Athletes may only pick up their own packets. Under no circumstances may an athlete pick up a packet for another person.
- Required: Proof of ID
- Required for Annual Members Only: USAT Membership ID
- Optional: Email Confirmation Bar Code per registrant (Printed or Digital) to scan
The race will take place Sunday September 7th, 2025 - 7:00 a.m. sharp.
All events start and finish at Mary Barness Community Pool, 2501 Freedoms Way Warrington, PA 18976.
All finishers will receive finishers certificate!!!
If registered by 8/8, guaranteed shirt size for all paid registrants.
Packet pick up will be on Friday September 5th from 8:30am -4:30pm and Saturday September 6th from 9am-12noon at the Warrington Township Building 852 Easton Road Warrington, PA 18976
Sunday September 7
6:00 am - 7:00 am - Check-in, and Race-Day Registration online only if available (prices increased)
6:45 am - Pre-race briefing at Transition Area
7:00 am - Races start (time trial for swim, mass start for duathlon)
Outdoor pool swim triathlon
Triathlon Distances
300 meter pool Swim, 10 mile Bike, 5k Run
Duathlon Distances
2 mile Run, 10 mile Bike, 5k Run
Aquavelo Distances
300 meter pool Swim, 10 mile Bike
No double-dipping or duplicate awards, awards may vary based on event, category, attendance, etc.
Triathlon Awards
Overall: Top 3 Male & Female
Age Groups: Top 3 Male & Female
14 & Under, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80 and over
Duathlon Awards
Overall: Top 3 Male & Female
Age Groups: Top 3 Male & Female
19 and Under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80 and over
On site with overflow parking at Warrington Fire Company, 2310 Freedoms Way, Warrington, PA 18976.
Bananas, granola bars, soft pretzels and water
For Race Updates
Please visit and like our Facebook page Warrington Cares Sprint Triathlon/Duathlon/Aquavelo
- Refreshments will be provided at the end of the race
- Split results will be available on website on race day
- Race scored by DQ Events
- Event promoters have the right to alter or cancel events for any reason
- All races will be held rain or shine under guidance of local safety protocol
- Transfers, Deferrals, and Refunds are only allowed through Runsignup as specified, no exceptions
This is a USAT Sanctioned event. All participants must have an active USAT Membership that has not expired before the conclusion of the event and must follow all USAT rules and guidelines.
Membership Types (click for more information)
- Bronze: One Day Membership
- Silver: Annual Membership w/ Benefits
- Gold: Annual Membership w/ Expanded Benefits
- Platinum: Annual Membership w/ Premium Benefits
Common Rules and Information
- ALL athletes are required to show photo ID. NO ID, NO RACE, NO EXCEPTIONS!
- Youth (17 and under) athletes without an ID must be accompanied by a parent/guardian with a photo ID
- Annual members are required to bring their membership card every time they compete in a USAT Sanctioned event.
- You can download and print out a temporary membership card:
- Athletes may only pick up their own packets. Under no circumstances may an athlete pick up a packet for another person.
- No drafting: a maximum of 15 seconds will be allowed to complete a pass through the draft zone of another athlete
- Headphones are prohibited
- No riding in transition at any time
- Helmets/Chin straps must be worn securely fastened at all times while in possession of your bike. This means before, during, and after the event. This also means from the time you remove your bike from the rack at the start of the bike leg, until after you have placed your bike on the rack at the finish of the bike leg.
- Verbal or physical abuse of others is not acceptable or tolerated. Participants shall refrain from unsportsmanlike conduct at all times while at the event and during competition, including the use of abusive language; violent acts; intentional misconduct; or any intimidating behavior directed toward, including but not limited to participants, officials, event staff, volunteers and spectators.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Du first run
Duathlon first run course
Bike Course:
Bike Course map
Run Course
Run Course Map
Pre-Race Email 2024
Dear Warrington Athlete
Thanks for registering for The Eighth Annual Warrington Cares Sprint Tri/Du/Aqua. We have been planning and preparing for this race since January. The race was created to bring a local triathlon to Warrington and to raise money for Warrington Township’s employee charity, Warrington Cares.
To keep everything safe and on time, we limit the size of the race. Once again, all spots have been filled.
Thank you!
Packet pickup will be available Friday September 6 from 9AM -4pm and Saturday September 7 from 9am- 12pm at The Warrington Township Building (852 Easton Rd Warrington, Pa). Packet pickup will also be available race day from 5:30am to 6:30am next to the transition area. Packet will include a Velcro strap and your race chip, and your race number to wear on the run and a race number to put on your helmet and a few other nonessential race goodies.
You may NOT pick up any other athlete's bag. This is because of insurance coverage and liability.
It is NOT OK to pick up your friend’s packet, as per USAT policy.
If you are not a usat member and did not purchase a one day license, you will need to do so. Cost is $15—cash or check only. There are only 2 participants who do not have a one day license or usat number.
Same with USAT cards – if you registered and provided a USAT membership number you MUST bring your USAT card with you to packet pick-up. If you forget, you MUST purchase a $15 – 1 day license. If you are already a member and forgot your card, then this $15 charge will apply towards your next year's USAT membership.
If you registered on-line and purchased a 1 day USAT license, then this will be indicated on your Athlete packet and you are good to go.
The chip goes on the Velcro strap and around the ankle (usually the left ankle since bike gears are on the right). You must wear the chip the whole race. No chip, no time. The small peel off race number goes on your helmet. The race bib needs to be worn on the run. You can attach it to a race belt or use pins to attach to a shirt.
*** There will be a finishers certificate in each race packet!! That is your finishers award!!
Triathlon Race Details:
Since there are many first timers, I am going to review how the triathlon works. For the experienced, I still recommend reading this. The order of the race is swim-transition 1-bike-transition 2-run. Your time starts when you cross the first timing mat just before entering the pool. After you do the swim, there is a short run to the transition area. You will cross another timing mat just before entering transition. In transition, you put on your bike shoes or sneakers and your helmet (You must have a helmet). You will run/walk through transition (thru the middle aisle) and cross a third timing mat as you exit transition. You will run with your bike about another 50 yards until you get to the road. At that point, there will be a sign to mount your bike. Mounting prior to that is a cause for penalty/disqualification. Follow the 10mile bike course. Dismount your bike at the dismount sign. Run your bike back to transition. Cross the fourth timing mat. Re-rack your bike in the same location. Change your shoes (if your wear cleats) and remove your helmet (somebody will forget, but we will have someone there to remind you). Put on
your race number on if it is not already on your shirt. Cross the fifth timing mat and follow the 5k run course. You will cross a sixth timing mat at the finish.
Aqua Race Details:
Same as above except after you enter transition for the second time, you are done.
Duathlon Race Details:
Instead of swimming first, substitute a 2mile run and everyone starts at the same time.
Relay Details:
Same as triathlon except you need to transfer the chip from the swim leg to the bike leg in transition and then again from bike to run leg in transition.
What to bring into transition:
Parking is about 600 yards from the start. So, I recommend using a back pack to carry your stuff. This should include the following:
- Timing chip: I recommend putting it on before you leave your house (left ankle)
- Swim goggles
- Swim cap (optional)
- Wet suit (optional and temperature dependent)
- Bike
- Helmet (with number attached)
- Bike glasses for those who use them
- Race number either on a race belt or attached to shirt that you will run with
- Possibly a towel to dry your feet after the swim (optional). If you do bring a towel, I recommend a brightly colored towel.
- Prefilled water bottle?
- Bike cleats
- Running shoes
- Sandals to wear prior to start (optional)
- Sweatshirt if needed (weather dependent)
- Some (very few) bring a stool to sit on to help putting on shoes
- Phone (not needed and actually can’t use in the race, but can use for pre and post-race pictures).
- If you bring your keys, leave them in your carry bag/back pack
I recommend packing your car the night before and leaving your chip on the driver’s seat. You will be amazed how easy it is to forget something.
Personally, I like to ride my bike from the parking lot to the start with my back on helmet on. That allows me to make sure my bike is ready. And if needed, bike support will be at transition.
Parking is right off of Easton Rd. On the west side is The Warrington Firehouse (2310 Freedoms Lane Warrington, Pa.). On the east side is a small strip mall with BB/Truist Bank and Casablanca Dance Club (1111 Easton Rd. Warrington, Pa.) If you park at the strip mall, you need to cross Easton Rd. and head onto Freedoms Way. It is less than a half mile from parking to the start and you will be on the race course.
Bike support
Unfortunately race day bike support will not be available
Transition Area
The transition area will be open around 5:30am. Before entering transition, you need to get body marked (volunteers will be available). Your number goes on your arms and your age on your right leg. Your bike handles must not be open. Place your bike on any rack. There will be plenty of rack space. Place your helmet and shoes under your bike. Remember you must have a helmet!! Transition will be closing by 6:40.
There will be a prerace meeting at 6:45 am by the pool.
The Duathlon will start at 7am and is near transition. The 2mile run is out and back and is flat.
Bathrooms- Several indoor bathrooms. Since start times vary, lines should be minimal.
The Swim: Your race number is also your swim number. Longer estimated times will be swimming first (for those used to a serpentine swim, this is opposite of that format). There are 6 lanes and there will be 2 swimmers per lane. You will swim up and back in the same half lane. Numbers 1 through 12 will cross the timing mat one at a time, go to a lane, jump (not dive) and swim 12 lengths/6laps- 300 meters. There will be lap counters to assist you in counting. After you swim 12 lengths exit the pool and head towards transition. Once a lane opens up the next person will cross the timing mat and go to the open lane.
****Very important- the timing mat is very sensitive. The area will be marked with yellow paint and/or cones. Stay that distance away from the timing mat!!
Please use the guide below and be ready to swim around that time. I also slightly adjusted the estimated start times. I will be calling out numbers as the swim progresses, so you will have plenty of time to get ready. Order does not have to be exact, and I will be there monitoring.
If you need to use a ladder to get in /out of the pool, wait for that lane to open up. Remember, your time does not start until you cross the timing mat.
The pool is NOT heated. If the water temperature is below 78 degrees, you can use a wetsuit. If water temperature is above 78 degrees but below 84 degrees, you can use a wetsuit, but will not be able to win an award (age group or overall).
You can wear goggles and a swim cap. Swim mask, fins, buoys, are all NOT allowed. You can do any stroke and you are allowed to walk. You must stay in your half of the lane.
Based on estimated OVERALL times your approximate swim start time is as follows (start times are estimates, but we are usually pretty close!!)
For Aquabikes—add 35 minutes to your overall estimated time (race numbers will be assigned and finalized and sent next week!!)
- 7am- 7:20- 1:50 and above 1-35
- 7:20-7:40- 1:30-1:50 36-69
- 7:40-8:00 1:20-1:30 70-115
- 8:00-8:20 1:10-1:20 116-158
- 8:20-8:35 under 1:10 159-186
Remember these are estimates and you don’t have to be in exact order.
Bike Course: After you exit the pool, follow the course/arrows to transition which is about 50 yards away. This is also the same entrance for the duathletes after the first run. Cross the timing mat. Put your helmet and shoes on (you do not have to wear your bib on the bike) and head out to the other end of transition. Do not mount your bike in transition. You will cross a second timing mat. Run/walk your bike out to the road (about 75 yards). Then mount your bike.
Follow the course—there will be markings on the road and course marshals. There will be auxiliary police at all major intersections. Most roads are not closed. Pickerton Road which is about mile 1-4 AND about mile 5.5-8.5 SHOULD be closed. So stay to the right at all times except to pass. No drafting!
At about the 3 mile mark, Pickerton Rd curves to the right (shortly after the firehouse on the right and over the bridge), and there is a blind uphill. It is not long but is steep. There will be note on the ground to get in low gear.
Elbow Lane which starts at about the 8 mile mark, has 3 small speed humps. You shouldn’t need to slow down. They are smooth. I’ve ridden over them at 35mph (nice long slight downhill) with no problems).
Turn by turn bike:
R on liberty-0.1 R on Freedom- 0.4 R on Greensward N-0.3 R Elbow La-0.3 L Pickerton- 2.5 R Scarlett Oak Dr- 0.4 R Pin Oak Dr-0.4 L 2nd Red Oak Dr-0.3 R Scarlett Oak Dr-0.4 L Pickerton-2.5 R Elbow Lane- 0.8 (3 speed humps) L Greenward Rd S-0.1 L Golf Dr-0.4 R Greensward N-0.1 L Freedom Way-0.4 L Liberty-0.1
As you approach the bike finish, you will need to get ready to dismount. Dismount at the same area that you mounted the bike. Run/walk with your bike back to transition. Cross the timing mat. Place your bike back on the rack from the same area that you were before. Change your shoes if needed, put onelo your race bib and head out the other end of transition. Cross the timing mat and start the 5k run.
Aquavelo—once you cross the timing mat at the end of the bike, you are finished. Please remember to turn in your timing chip!
RUN COURSE: The run course is out and back. First 1⁄2 mile is a slight uphill. Next 1⁄2 mile is a slight downhill. Next mile (including turn around) is mostly flat. There will be a 1 and 2 mile mark on the ground. Water stop is at the turnaround. Just before the 1 mile mark you will need to get to the left side of the road. Cyclists will be on the other side of the road. Sorry- no IPODS, phones, etc.
Remember that time in transition counts. Your time starts when you cross the mat to enter the pool (or at the start of the du run) and ends at the end of the 5k. No break time for transition!
Results: Results will be posted around 10am, maybe before. Duathlon results will start to be available around 8:15. All results will be available at later in the day.
Awards: Duathlon award ceremony will be around 8:45. Triathlon award ceremony will be around 10:00. Overall awards will be done first, followed by age group awards (in no specific order). You do not need to stay for awards. You can pick yours up once results are posted.
Finisher Awards- *** There will be a finishers certificate in each race packet!! That is your finishers
See below for a list of USAT swim and bike rules:
- Helmets: Only helmets approved by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) may be used in USAT sanctioned events. Helmets must be worn at all times while on your bike. This means before, during, and after the event.
- Penalty: Disqualification
- Chin Straps: Chin straps must be buckled at all times when on a bicycle. DO NOT unbuckle your chin strap unless you are off your bicycle.
- Penalty: Disqualification on the course; Variable time penalty in transition area only.
- Outside Assistance: No assistance other than that offered by race and medical officials may be used. Triathlons and duathlons are individual tests of fitness.
- Penalty: Variable time penalty
- Transition Area: All equipment must be placed in the properly designated and individually assigned bike corral. The wheel of the bicycle must be down on the side of the assigned space. All participants must return their bicycles to an upright position in their designated bicycle corral. No person shall interfere with another participant’s equipment or impede the progress of another participant. All bar ends must be solidly plugged. No participant shall bring ANY glass containers into the transition area.
- Penalty: Variable time penalty
- Drafting: Drafting--keep at least three bike lengths of clear space between you and the cyclist in front. If you move into the zone, you must pass within 15 seconds. Position--keep to the right hand side of the lane of travel unless passing. Blocking--riding on the left side of the lane without passing anyone and
interfering with other cyclists attempting to pass. Overtaken--once passed, you must immediately exit the draft zone from the rear, before attempting to pass again.- Penalty: Variable time penalty
- Course: All competitors are required to follow the prescribed course and to stay within all coned lanes. Cutting the course is an obvious violation and going outside the course is a safety issue. Cyclists shall not cross a solid yellow center line for ANY reason. Cyclists must obey all applicable traffic laws at
all times.- Penalty: Referee's discretion
- Unsportsmanlike-Like Conduct: Foul, harsh, argumentative or abusive language or other unsportsmanlike conduct directed at race officials, USA Triathlon officials, volunteers, spectators or fellow athletes is forbidden.
- Penalty: Disqualification
- Headphones: Headphones, headsets, Walkman, iPods, mp3 players, or personal audio devices, etc. are not to be carried or worn at any time during the race.
- Penalty: Variable time penalty
- Race numbers: All athletes are required to wear race numbers at all times during the run. Numbers must face the front and be clearly visible at all times. Numbers may not be cut or folded or altered in any way. DO NOT transfer your number to any other athlete or take a number from an athlete that is
not competing.- Penalty: Variable time penalty for missing or altered number, Disqualification and one year suspension from membership in USAT for transferring a number without race director permission.
- Wetsuits: Each age group participant shall be permitted to wear a wetsuit without penalty in any event sanctioned by USA Triathlon up to and including a water temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit. When the water temperature is greater than 78 degrees but less than 84 degrees Fahrenheit, age group participants may wear a wetsuit at their own discretion, provided, however that participants who wears a wetsuit within such temperature range shall not be eligible for prizes or awards. Above 84 degrees, wetsuits are prohibited.
- Abandonment: All personal equipment and belongings taken out onto the course must stay on the athlete the entire time. No garbage, clothing, etc. shall be thrown on the course.
- Penalty: Variable time penalty
Variable Time Penalties
- Distance Category First offense Second Offense Third Offense
- Sprint 2 minutes 4 minutes Disqualification
- Intermediate 2 minutes 4 minutes Disqualification
- Long 4 minutes 8 minutes Disqualification
- Ultra 6 minutes 12 minutes Disqualification
- For a complete list of rules, please refer to the most up-to-date USA Triathlon Competitive Rules
Food: Food will be available as soon as you finish!
General race photos for review will also be available on the Warrington Township ( Warrington Cares ( website.
Race is held rain or shine. If the police or township cancels something an email will be sent.
Remember to thank the volunteers. No race can exist without them!
If you still have questions, feel free to email.
Thanks for registering!
Andrew Oles Race Director
1.From 611 North (Easton Road): Head South on 611 (Easton Road) and turn right onto Freedoms Way.
Follow the road until you come to the intersection of Freedoms Way and Liberty Lane.
2.From 611 South (Easton Road): Head North on 611(Easton Road) and turn left onto Freedoms Way.
Follow the road until you come to the intersection of Freedoms Way and Liberty Lane.
3.From business route 202 North (W. Butler Ave.): Head South on BR202 and turn left onto County Line Road.
Follow the road until you come to the intersection of County Line Road and 611 (Easton Road) and turn left.
Proceed to follow instructions form #2.
4. From business route 202 South (W. Butler Ave.): Head North on BR202 and turn left onto County Line Road.
Follow the road until you come to the intersection of County Line Road and 611 (Easton Road) and turn left.
Proceed to follow instructions form #2.
5. From 309 North (Bethlehem Pike): Head South on 309 (Bethlehem Pike) and turn right onto BR202. Proceed to
follow instructions from #4.
6. From 309 South (Bethlehem Pike): Head North on 309 (Bethlehem Pike) and turn right onto BR202. Proceed to
follow instructions from #4.
7. From I-95 South: Head North on I-95 and take the Bensalem Exit. Head North/West on Route 152 (Street Road).
Follow the road until you come to the intersection of 152 (Street Road) and 611 (Easton Road). Turn right onto 611
(Easton Road) and follow instructions from #2.
8. From I-95 North: Head South on I-95 and take the Bensalem Exit. Head North/West on Route 152 (Street Road).
Follow the road until you come to the intersection of 152 (Street Road) and 611 (Easton Road). Turn right onto 611
(Easton Road) and follow instructions from #2.
9. From 276 West: Head East on 276 and take the Willow Grove Exit. Follow instructions from #2.
10. From 276 East: Head West on 276 and take the Willow Grove Exit. Follow instructions from #2.
The UPS Store
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.