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Sun June 23, 2019 Houma, LA 70360 US Directions


3-4 Yr. Old Tikes

7:30AM CDT

5-6 Yr. Old Squirts

7:30AM CDT

7-8 Yr. Old Sprouts

7:30AM CDT

Champion Division

7:30AM CDT

5-9 Relay Teams

7:30AM CDT

10-14 Relay Teams

7:30AM CDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


103 Valhi Blvd.
Houma, LA US 70360


Mighty Kids Triathlon

Sunday, June 23, 2019 at 7:30 am
Bayouland YMCA
103 Vahli Blvd 
Houma, La 70360
RACE DAY AGE is the child's age as of December 31st, 2019
**This event is owned and operated by Mighty Kids Triathlon, Inc., not the YMCA. Please direct any questions or comments to the Race Directors on the Contact page on our site. Thank you.
Packet pick up at Academy Sports and Outdoors on Friday June 21st 6:30- 8:30 pm and Saturday, June 22nd 3:00-6:00 pm
Letter to Parents
USA Triathlon Bicycle Equipment Rules
1. The bicycle must be road worthy and in safe operating condition.
2 . There must be at least one working brake on each of the two wheels unless the bicycle was manufactured with only one brake, in which case, the working brake shall be on the rear wheel.
3 . Only standard drop, straight, or curved handlebars are allowed. No aero of time trail bars may be attached to the bike or used during competition. All handlebars ends shall be solidly plugged.
4 . No disk wheels or wheel covers are allowed.
5 . Race officials reserve the right to disallow any bicycle deemed unsafe. Any unusual bicycle must be approved by race officials prior to competition,
6 . No Aero Helmets
We would like to thank our wonderful sponsors for making Mighty Kids Triathlon possible! We are so thankful for your support of our event and helping to increase the health and fitness of our children!! You are awesome!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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