Course Information
This triathlon and relay takes advantage of the unique topography of the area from Warm Lake to Yellow Pine. It consists of a 1.6k swim, a 45k bicycle ride, and a 13k run covering an elevation change from 5300' up to 7300' and back down to ~5000'. The road from Warm Lake to Landmark is paved. From Landmark to Yellow Pine the road is dirt. Traffic control will be in place.
Able-Bodied and Adaptive Athletes will be able to participate individually in the full triathlon or as a relay triathlon in teams of three (3) participants. Sign-in begins at 8:00 a.m. on the patio area of the North Shore Lodge. Race packets will be handed out at sign-in. Please read the Race Bible for details of the course.
The first wave of athletes start at10am. Use the link above to view the course route in Google Earth.