Sarasota, FL US 34242
Triathlon 1/4 mile swim, 11 mile bike, 3.1 mile run
super sprint 50 swim, 11 bike, 1 run
Duathlon 1 mile run, 11 mile bike, 3.1 mile run
SwimRun 1k swim, 3 mile run
What' SUP? 1 mile SUP, 3 mile run
Helmets are mandatory!!!
USA Triathlon rules: Please study the rules this is not a 5k fun run !!!
Self-body marking, your number is on runsignup, where you registered, number on the left arm, age on your left calf.
Swim Caps: Bring your own (this was implemented last year to be a more green business).
Packet pick up is Saturday for those who can, Scullers draft house
Address: 8217 Tourist Center Dr, Bradenton, FL 34201
just off University and 75
and Sunday morning for the rest.
Transition is an open rack, so set up next to your friends, kids, etc..
ONLY 6 BIKES PER RACK PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wear a mask has much as possible, before and after the race. I know it is hot, but it is only for a short period of time.
Take it off when we go to the start on the beach.
stay apart until race start, go back to your car, the rule is no group larger than 50, per County guidelines.
Bring your own water bottle for the run, (USAT guidelines)
after your race, grab a refreshment.
Check your results, pick your award, and go have a great breakfast in the village.
"Let's play by the rules so we can keep playing"
5:30 transition open
7 am all races starts,
Sprint Triathlon women wave 1 minute later.
Duathlon: run 1/2 mile down the beach, turn around at sign, back to
transition Super Sprint: this is your run turn around!!! Super Sprint: this is your run turn around!!!
Triathlon, Duathlon you will run to the second sign for the 3-mile run.
Aquabike: you finish in transition, you don't have to cross the finish line.
SwimRun (Aquathlon): you will not go into transition, leave your shoes and water at the Yellow lifeguard stand.
Sup N run: same has the swim run.
I hope we all have a good time,
see you Saturday Between 2 and 4 Pm at
Scullers draft house
Address: 8217 Tourist Center Dr, Bradenton, FL 34201
just off University and 75
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