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Miles that Matter For KIF1A

Sat February 1 - Fri February 28

Miles That Matter: 28 Mile Challenge for a KIF1A Cure

*Registrations opens 12/31/2024 at noon! Save 10% by committing to our February Challenge between 12/31-1/10 using coupon code NewYear.

Will you join us for Miles that Matter for KIF1A? We are challenging each other to complete 28 miles or MORE in the month of February by February 28, 2025, Rare Disease Day! 

KIF1A Associated Neurological Disorder (KAND) can prevent some of our children from ever being able to move, and those who do have some mobility face the possibility of losing this over time. It’s just one of many of the devastating symptoms those with KAND face and because of this…


As parents and caregivers, it’s also crucial for us to stay strong, and we’re on a mission to honor our KAND warriors this Rare Disease Month by raising awareness and support for KIF1A research aimed at finding effective treatments and a cure. 

You can cover these miles however you choose throughout the month of February. Whether it's walking, running, or riding, it’s all about moving forward when and how you feel most comfortable. Every mile counts, and we hope we can inspire everyone to participate!

Together, we can go further and make a difference in the fight against KAND. Each step brings us closer to a cure, and we hope you'll join us in this important 28-mile challenge!

If you complete 28 Miles or more AND submit your results, you will be automatically entered for a chance to win one of three $100 Amazon eGift Cards!

Can't join the challenge, but still want to help? Your donations and support for our mission is greatly appreciated. Click DONATE above for more information or create a fundraiser to help us reach our goal!
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