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Sun March 2 - Mon March 31, 2025 Cartersville, GA 30121 US Directions

2 Dog Canicross 5k Race

Race will be chipped timed and have a rolling start based on event size. We will be breaking up people into groups based on estimated finish times so as to pace our runners and prevent competitor congestion.
Event Date:
Sunday March 2, 2025
Start Time:
8:30am EST
End Time:
11:59pm EST
Online Registration is Closed

Online Registration has Ended.

1 Dog Canicross 5k Race

Race will be chipped timed and have a rolling start based on event size. Canicross will have 2 dog startlines in 10 second intervals. We will be breaking up people into groups based on estimated finish times so as to pace our runners and prevent competitor congestion.

8:30 Am Canicross Start

All dogs running in canicross are required to wear designated canicross gear. Harnesses that have “Y” chest bands and do not restrict the dogs movement, bungee lead no longer than 3 ' -6’ ft attached to a hands free waist belt must be worn for those running in the canicross class. Only one dog can be run at a time.

Although this is a dog event, we have a “NO GREET” POLICY. Dogs must be kept on a leash and under owner/handler’s control at all times both in the parking lot and event area. Dogs should NOT interact with other dogs or humans while attending our event. Reactive dogs will be directed to a special parking area to minimize their stress and contact with others. MUZZLES are allowed and can be worn on course as long as the dog has ample room for panting. Please email if you have a reactive dog and are planning to attend so we can best prepare for you and your dog.

Event Date:
Sunday March 2, 2025
Start Time:
9:00am EST
End Time:
12:00pm EST
Online Registration is Closed

Online Registration has Ended.

Dog Friendly 5k

Dog Friendly 5k: face leads, flexi leashes and no-pull harnesses will not be allowed.

Although this is a dog event, we have a “NO GREET” POLICY. Dogs must be kept on a leash and under owner/handler’s control at all times both in the parking lot and event area. Dogs should NOT interact with other dogs or humans while attending our event. Reactive dogs will be directed to a special parking area to minimize their stress and contact with others. MUZZLES are allowed and can be worn on course as long as the dog has ample room for panting. Please email if you have a reactive dog and are planning to attend so we can best prepare for you and your dog.
Event Date:
Sunday March 2, 2025
Start Time:
9:30am EST
End Time:
12:00pm EST
Online Registration is Closed

Online Registration has Ended.

Run Virtually

Can't be there in person? You can still earn you challenge coin and swag virtually. Please submit your results by March 30th 2023.
Registration Limit:
Sorry! This event is full.
$40.00 Race Fee + $3.40 SignUp Fee
Registration ends March 31, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

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