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Zox 7th Annual Independence Day Fun Run Triathlon

Sun July 4, 2021 Directions


Men's Triathlon

11:00AM EDT
Open to ages 21+.

Women's Triathlon

11:00AM EDT
Open to ages 21+.

Team Triathlon

11:00AM EDT


The Zox Annual Independence Day Fun Run is a 3-leg race that consists of running, biking, kayaking and beer drinking.  Participants are encouraged to run in their best 4th of July attire and kids are encouraged to decorate their bikes with Independence Day flare for the pre-race walk and bike parade. 

In previous years we have awarded prizes to winners, this year since we aren't collecting money or sponsorship donations, there will be no awards or prizes. Just come, have fun, be active and enjoy a little bit of NORMALCY! 

Race participants will start by running 1.25 miles through the neighborhood, followed by a 2 mile bike ride. The last leg is a 1.25 mile paddle (kayak or paddle board) through the canals. Please refer to the map provided for the race route. Roads and canals will be chalked on the day of the event.

In past years we have done our best to keep track of times and track beverages, however, this year we will be forgoing those rules *****There WILL BE NO TIME keeper, and its UP TO YOU TO monitor your beverages- if you choose to participate in that portion of the race. 

All beverages need to be consumed and DISPOSED of in the garbage can at the check point (where you normally check in!).  NO drinking on the course!

Participants must supply their own kayak/ paddle board and bike. Helmets and life vests are recommended use at your discretion. 

***** DUE TO COVID!!! PLEASE READ!!*******

- PARTICIPANTS must bring their own cooler and beer. They can only access they beer from their cooler. Please don't touch another participants cooler! 

- PARTICIPANTS please don't attend if you are feeling sick, have a fever, have been exposed to Covid in the last 14 days or are currently testing Covid positive

- PARTICIPANTS please try to adhere to appropriate social distancing guidelines. We will encourage distance and spacing at the starting line and when coming to crowded areas.

- PARTICIPANTS you may bring a mask, you may race with a mask, but you are not required to race with a mask. 

- PARTICIPANTS must have their bikes, kayaks or paddle boards at the designated spot prior to race time.

- SPECTATORS please respect participants space and also try to adhere to the 6ft distance when possible. 

- SPECTATORS please don't attend if you are feeling sick, have a fever, have been exposed to Covid in the last 14 days or are currently testing Covid positive.

- SPECTATORS please don't touch participants coolers 

- SPECTATORS you may wear a mask, but you are not mandated to.

- We will not be held responsible for anyone getting sick. Be safe and responsible participants and spectators!


Please refer to the official rules and regulations below for more information. **** Some rules and regulations have changed*****

Even though this is our 7th ANNUAL race, we only began collecting a race fee and donations the past two years. Where has the money gone???? In 2018 we raised over $1,000 for The ALS Association as numerous people in the Zox community have been effected by this disease. In 2019 we raised over $1,100 for The Wounded Warrior Project. THANK YOU AGAIN TO OUR GIVING COMMUNITY AND FRIENDS!


Zox Canals
4721 Mapleview Ave. (Lot near footbridge/ Nelanders)
West Bloomfield, MI 48324

Race Day Info

Registration, pre-race walk and kids bike parade as well as the race start will all be located at 4721 Mapleview Ave.

Please check-in with Christin Kulig the morning of the race to receive your bib number. Check-in will start at 10am at 4721 Mapleview Ave. Please drop your kayak off at the beach and your bike at the lot across the footbridge ahead of time.

The pre-race walk and kids bike parade will start at 10:40 am. and the race will start at 11 am. Roads will be marked but roads will not be closed. Please monitor your children and abide by all traffic signs. 

Official Rules and Regulations

Rules and regulations are subject to change up until race time with or without notice.

1.) The race may be run individually or as a team, however, prizes will only be awarded to the winner of the men's and women's races. As well as best decorated kids bike.

2.) All races will be run together.

3.) Costumes are encouraged but not required.

4.) Best costume (as voted by Christin Kulig and a board of whomever she chooses) will be given a 30 second deduction from their final time.

5.) Male participants must consume at least 3 beers before crossing the finish line. Females must consume at least 2 beers before crossing the finish line. If you are pregnant, have a medical condition or wish to run the race without drinking then you may substitute beers for Cola, Ginger Ale or any other carbonated beverage. Substitution beverages must be supplied by runner.

6.) The race may be run individually or as a team. However, if run as a team each member must drink their required beverages plus 1 beverage for each additional member of the team. Example: If Swi, Bogo and Kal run as a team and each run 1 leg of the race they must all consume 5 beverages before crossing the finish line. Teams are encouraged for people who wish to participate but do not want to run the entire race. No prize awarded for teams.

7.) Beverages may be consumed at any point in the race, but your required amount of beverages must be finished before crossing the finish line. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.

8.) All beverages must be documented by an official race judge.

9.) Participants may consume as many beverages as they want during the race as long as the required minimums are met.

10.) Any contestant who shotguns their first beverage at the starting line will be given a 30 second deduction from their final time.

11.) If anyone's wife crosses the finish line before them then they must shotgun an additional beverage before crossing the finish line.

12.) Anyone who pukes will be given a 30 second penalty.

13.) The previous rule of drinking 12 beers and heading straight to the finish line no longer exists. We all know big Chris will win and he has nothing left to prove. He will forever hold that title.

14.) All beer consumption is voluntary and only for participants 21 years of age and older. Please be responsible with your consumption. 

15.) Because roads aren't closed off to passing traffic, please be aware of all traffic around you while you participate in the running and biking leg of the race. Helmets and life jackets are recommended but not required.

Please feel free to submit any additional rules and the board will take them into consideration.

Race Route

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

Thank You To Our Sponsors


Zox Canals
4721 Mapleview Ave. (Lot near footbridge/ Nelanders)
West Bloomfield, MI 48324

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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