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Saturday 7/26/25 (Kids race on Friday) Walker, MI 49534 US Directions


Bridge Street Ministries #TriWithPurpose

TriMillennium is owned and managed by Bridge Street Ministries, an Christian urban youth organization located in Grand Rapids' West Side that works to equip and empower youth, through holistic development, to become future leaders of restoration and hope in their communities.  Our race director is an avid triathlete and took over as RD for TriMellennium as a way to leverage his passion for triathlon to help advance his organizations work with "high-potential" urban youth. 100% of the proceeds of TriMillennium go to help us advance our work supporting the spiritual, academic, and social/emotional development of the youth of our community.  We believe that if we lead them with a vision of hope and restoration, they will lead a movement of hope and restoration in our city. 

If you would like to add a 100% tax-deductible donation to your paid registration, you can enter any amount below. Any donation of $250 or more will receive a complimentary race entry.

Not interested in donating?  No worries at all!  We are still thrilled to have you participating in this premier Northern Michigan multi-sport event.  Please scroll to the bottom of the page and click Continue.  


Donations can also be made by check made out to Bridge Street Ministries and mailed to:

c/o Bridge Street Ministries
1034 Bridge St. NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504

Top Donors

$35 Raised By 7 Donors

$5 On Behalf Of Carlos Moreno
$5 On Behalf Of Garrett McGovern
$5 On Behalf Of Heather Boersma
$5 On Behalf Of Jeff Heinze
$5 On Behalf Of Kellen Dykstra
$5 On Behalf Of Kurt Phillips
$5 On Behalf Of Leigh Hall

Donation Attribution

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