Donate to support Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes
Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes feeds hungry people and engages our community in the fight to end hunger. Kalamazoo Area Runners is honored to have the opportunity to support their mission while living into ours.
Donate financially below or you can give some items from the food list below. We will collect the items during the Turkey Trot day.
Did you know? In Kalamazoo County, nearly 32,000 individuals experience food insecurity - about 12% of the county’s population. This includes 7,520 children or 13.2% of the children in Kalamazoo County. Nearly 8% of senior citizens live on less than $12,000 per year. Families continually face difficult decisions on how to survive on limited budgets, frequently choosing between food and utilities, medical care, housing, childcare, and transportation.