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August 30, 2025 Cassadaga, NY 14718 US

1. What if I am a really slow swimmer?  Will you pull me out of the race?
A.   NO.  No cut-off times. Period. 


2.  If I experience issues in the swim, can I continue my race?

A.  Yes.  You are permitted to hold on to a kayak or boat until you recover, you can flip over on your back and rest, and you can wear a personal swim buoy if desired.  The kayak CANNOT move you forward, you must complete the swim on your own.  You are welcome to continue with your race as scheduled.  

3.  Is it ok if we bring our dog?

***Dogs are prohibited from being brought to the race.  The park does not allow dogs in the park area and all activities take place in this area.   If you, or any family member, or your spectators, bring a dog to the race, we will disqualify the athlete.  NO refunds.

        A. A race is not a place for the family pet.  This is for the safety of our participants, their families, and your dog as well.   If you have never been chased, wildly barked at, or bitten by a dog while cycling or running then consider yourself one of the lucky ones.  Dogs and bikes and runners do not mix and to eliminate any fear,  or the possibility of accidents, we insist that dogs not be brought to the race site.  Your dog may be very well-behaved, but this is not the place for them.  Thank you for your understanding and for enforcing this with your family and friends.


4.   Can my friend run alongside me to pace my run and keep me company?

A.  NO.  No-one other than registered athletes on the course.


5.  Is it ok if I walk my bike up some of those hills?

A.  Yes. 


6.  What if I flat on the bike course or have mechanical difficulties?

A.  A mechanic will never be more than 14 miles from you at any spot.   Ask a fellow athlete to report your general location to the next aid station or race volunteer.   Mechanics can do minor repairs like tire changing and cable adjustments but not replace cracked wheels or frames.  Only race organization volunteers, other athletes or staff can assist you while on course.  No coaches, spouses or friends allowed to assist. 

7.  Will there be a place I can change clothes between the swim and the bike?

 A. Yes.  There will be two changing tents (Male & Female with side walls inside transition)


8.  What if I am a really slow cyclist and those hills slow me down.  Will you pull me out of the race?

 A. NO. No cut-off times.  Period.


9.  Can I bring a sandwich and a Coke to eat half way on the bike course?

A.  Yes.  You can bring a Special Needs bag with whatever you think you may need.  It will be at the halfway point/aid station #2 of the bike course.  We will put a sticker with your bib# on it and a volunteer will be there to help you find it.


10.  Will you have aid stations on the run course?

A.  Yes.  One at each mile.  3 with port-a-johns.  They will be stocked with water, Hammer Nutrition Gels, Electrolytes, Heed (to mix in a water bottle) fruit, chips, Pickle Juice and candy.  


11.  I may need to walk some of that run course.  Will the aid stations and finish line still be up?

 A.  Yes.  NO cut-off time.  Period.  

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