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Azalea Sprint

Sunday, March 8, 2026 (TENTATIVE DATE) Wilmington, NC 28403 US Directions

USAT Rules/Info

Most Commonly Violated USAT Rules:

Most Common





ALL USAT members must show proof of a current membership at packet pickup. If you have recently renewed a membership, then you MUST print out a temporary card or receipt of payment (that shows the length of the membership period) to show at packet pick up. We will not take your word for it that your membership is current; you must SHOW us. Failure to do so will result in having to pay the one-day fee (Bronze fee).

CLICK HERE to be taken to the USAT website where you can renew your membership or print out a temporary card. You can also renew your membership at packet pick up if that's easier for you.

If I entered my USAT information when I registered, then why do I need to show my card at packet pick up? USAT rules state that all USAT members must show a valid membership card at packet pick up and failure to do so will result in having to pay the 1-day fee. Our events are sanction by USAT, therefore, we must follow these rules. Our website is not connected to USAT's website, so the information that you enter when you register could be incorrect. We must physically document the current expiration date of your membership when you pick up your packet as this is the only way we can confirm 100% that your membership is in fact current.

USAT's "Age Up" Policy:

An athlete's age for any USAT sanctioned race will be his/her age as of Dec. 31, 2025. The age he/she is on 12/31 will determine his/her racing age group. If an athlete is due to "age-up" into the next group, it will happen at the beginning of the year, not after the athlete's birthday. This action aligns regular U.S. age group racing with the method used by USA Triathlon for its National Rankings Program and its new Grand Prix Series.


  • John Smith is 39 and will turn 40 on November 20, 2025. John will be considered 40 for all 2025 races - and will race in the 40-44 age group at all 2025 races.
  • Sally Jones is 29 and will turn 30 on July 3, 2025. Sally will be considered 30 for all 2025 races - and will race in the 30-34 age group at all 2025 races.

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