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OV Tri/Du Swim and Transition Clinic

Sun February 9, 2025 Tucson, AZ 85704 US Directions


OVTD Clinic

12:00PM MST - 4:30PM MST


23 W. Calle Concordia
Tucson, AZ US 85704


This is a FREE clinic. 

This is a USA Triathlon sanctioned clinic. You must be a USAT member. If you are not a USAT member, then you will need to purchase a 1-day license to participate in the clinic. 

If you are new triathlon or duathlon (multisport events) and need a little extra instruction, then this is for you. 

We will start with an hour to an hour and a half swim clinic (lead by a local swim coach) in which we teach you proper warmup and then how to efficiently participate in a serpentine swim. You will be in the water and practicing, som come prepared.

After the swim clinic, we will move to the EAST parking lot (where the OV Tri/Du transition will be set up on race day) to learn how to set up your transition area and then how to efficiently transition from swim to bike, and then bike to run. This is also when you will learn the dos and don'ts of USA Triathlon. 

After the transition clinic, we will lead one loop on the bike course and/or one loop on the run course. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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