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Riverbluff Triathlon

Sun August 10, 2025 Ashland City, TN 37015 US Directions

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August 9, 2025


Assist with setting up the transition area including bike racks, scrim, tents and course prep.


Located at Riverbluff Park in Ashland City.

Breakdown/Clean Up Crew

August 10, 2025


Assist with clean up of race course and main venue including bike rack disassembly, scrim, cones, tents and general clean up of race site.


Located at Riverbluff Park in Ashland City.

Packet Pickup

Greeters- Saturday

August 9, 2025


Assist in directing all arriving athletes to rack their bikes on temporary bike racks BEFORE heading to packet pickup. May also answer questions from arriving participants and spectators.


Located near the packet pick up area at Riverbluff Park. Look for the Magic Sports tents near the stage area.

Packet Pick Up- Saturday

August 9, 2025


Check in racers, distribute bibs, packets, and shirts.
Assist with new registrations.


Located at Riverbluff Park in Ashland City. Look for the Magic Sports Tents near the stage area.

Greeters-Race Day

August 10, 2025


Assist in directing all arriving athletes to rack their bikes on temporary bike racks BEFORE heading to packet pickup. May also answer questions from arriving participants and spectators.


Located near the packet pick up area at Riverbluff Park.

Packet Pick up- Race Day

August 10, 2025


Check in racers, distribute bibs, packets, and shirts.
Assist with new registrations.


Located at Riverbluff Park in Ashland City. Look for the Magic Sports tents near the stage area.


Bike Check In

August 9, 2025


Assist with checking in bikes and racers into Transition. Only participants, staff & volunteers are permitted in the Transition area.


At the entrance to the Transition Area at Riverbluff Park.

Early Transition - Race day

August 10, 2025


Check in bikes, direct participants where to go in and around transition. Only participants, staff and volunteers are permitted in the transition area. Triathlon experience is helpful but not required.


Located at Riverbluff Park in Ashland City.

Transition - Race day

August 10, 2025


Direct participants to the run/bike exits during the race. Duties may include, mount/dismount line, bike/gear retrieval entrance/exit.


Located at Riverbluff Park in Ashland City.

Swim Course

Kayak/Canoe/SUP Support

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

August 10, 2025


Assist participants by being in a Kayak, Canoe or SUP in the water to help in case of emergency. Must supply your own Kayak, Canoe or SUP and life jacket, paddle, etc. Swift water experience not required but helpful.


Located in the Cumberland River off Old Cumberland Street at Riverbluff Park in Ashland City.

Swim Start

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

August 10, 2025


Assist with lining up participants in the correct order according to their race number and race distance: sprint or olympic.
May also assist in breakdown of swim exit area if not moving to another task.


Located at the boat ramp off Old Cumberland Street at Riverbluff Park in Ashland City.

Swim Start "Clicker"

August 10, 2025


Assist with manual "back up" count/timing of swimmers entering the water.


Located at the boat ramp off Old Cumberland Street at Riverbluff Park in Ashland City.

Swim Exit

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

August 10, 2025


Assist participants with exiting the water onto boat ramp.
May require being in the water. May also assist in breakdown of swim exit area if not moving to another task.


Located at the boat ramp off Old Cumberland Street at Riverbluff Park in Ashland City.

Swim Exit "Clicker"

August 10, 2025


Assist with manual "back up" count/timing of swimmers exiting the water.


Located at the boat ramp off Old Cumberland Street at Riverbluff Park in Ashland City.

Bike Course

Bike Course Sentry 1

August 10, 2025


This spot has lots of action! An energetic personality will do well at this spot! Will assist in directing participants as they turn right onto TN Waltz AND as participants return, turning left onto Old Cumberland Street.


Located at the corner of Old Cumberland Street and TN Waltz.

Bike Course Sentry 2-Olympic Second Loop

August 10, 2025


Directing Olympic racers to do second loop and Sprint racers to bike finish. This spot has lots of action! An energetic personality will do well at this spot!


On TN Waltz, near bike out in Riverbluff Park.

Bike Course Sentry 3

August 10, 2025


This intersection will have police support to stop/detour traffic to allow participants to exit TN Waltz and return from Hwy 12. Volunteer will assist in directing participants as they turn onto Hwy 12 and return back onto TN Waltz. This is PERFECT spot for a Volunteer with lots of energy and a big personality!


Located at the corner of TN Waltz and Highway 12, directing racers to turn right onto Highway 12 and to get into the far left lane, closest to the median.

Bike Course Sentry 4-Turnaround for Olympic and Sprint

August 10, 2025


Direct participants to complete the turnaround to return. This spot is a perfect location to cheer for your team members!


Located on Highway 12, at approximately mile 6.

Run Course

Run Course Sentry 1

August 10, 2025


Provide course direction at this key intersection.
Cheer for runners and provide encouragement.


Located at the back end of the farmer's market pavilion, directing racers onto the greenway.

Run Course Sentry 2

August 10, 2025


Provide course direction at this key intersection. This is a great place to bring a cowbell and your cheering skills!


Located on the greenway, between the run start and the turn onto TN Waltz. Approximately mile .25.

Run Course Sentry 3

August 10, 2025


Direct racers on the course. This is a great place to bring a cowbell and your cheering skills!


Located at the left turn onto TN Waltz, at the top of the hill.

Run Course Sentry 4

August 10, 2025


Direct racers on the course. This is a great place to bring a cowbell and your cheering skills!


Located at the left turn onto Main Street. Near water station 2. Approximately mile 1 from the start.

Run Course Sentry 5

August 10, 2025


Direct sprint runners to run around the cone and run back towards the finish line. This is a great place to bring a cowbell and your cheering skills!


Located at the Sprint turn turnaround on Main Street at mile 1.5.

Run Course Sentry 6

August 10, 2025


This is a great place to bring a cowbell and your cheering skills!


Located at the left turn onto Chapmansboro Road. Approximately mile 1.6.

Run Course Sentry 7

August 10, 2025


This is a great place to bring a cowbell and your cheering skills!


Located at the right turn from Chapmansboro onto the greenway trail. Approximately mile 1.75.

Run Course Sentry 8

August 10, 2025


The Olympic distance runners will turn around at the cone at this location. This is a great place to bring a cowbell and your cheering skills!


Located at the Olympic turn turnaround on the greenway trail at mile 3.

Water Stations

Water Station 1- (Troop 157)

August 10, 2025


This water stop services both the 5k and 10k participants as they head out on their course and again as they head back towards the finish.
Prepare and hand out water/sports drink to passing participants.
Clean and pick up cups for disposal.
Cheer and encourage participants.


Water station 1 is located at approximately .4 mile on the greenway before the "left" on TN Waltz Pkwy.

Water Station 2 - (NTC)

August 10, 2025


This water stop services both the 5k and 10k participants as they head to their turnaround section of the course and again as they head back towards the finish.
Prepare and hand out water/sports drink to passing participants.
Clean and pick up cups for disposal.
Cheer and encourage participants.


This Water Station is located at mile 1 at TN Waltz Pkwy onto Main Street.

Water Station 3- (MidTN Multisport)

August 10, 2025


Will offer water/sports drink to 10K runners as they run towards the turnaround and again as they head back toward the finish.
Prepare and hand out water/sports drink.
Clean and pick up cups for disposal.
Cheer and encourage participants!


This water station is located at mile 2.4 on the beautiful Cumberland River Bicentennial Trail!


Finish Line

August 10, 2025


Provide finisher award, water and cold towel to participants after they cross the finish line.
Direct participants to the Post-Race Area for refreshments and other festivities.


Located off Old Cumberland Street at Riverbluff Park in Ashland City.

Post-Race Food Area

August 10, 2025


Assist with setting up the post race food area.
Assist racers and volunteers with post race food distribution.
Must have a Food ticket from their race bib or wrist band to enter food area. Each person is limited to one sandwich.
Participants are welcome to take more than one beverage, for example, a water and a sports drink or a water and soft drink.


Shady location under the trees in Riverbluff Park!



August 10, 2025


Designated Last Place Finisher has the honor of being the last finisher in the Sprint distance.


Located at Riverbluff Park in Ashland City.


August 10, 2025


Designated Last Place Finisher has the honor of being the last finisher in the Olympic distance. Will notify course volunteers as you pass that you are the last person in the Olympic distance so they know it's safe for them to leave their spot.


Located at Riverbluff Park in Ashland City.

Parking Attendants

August 10, 2025


Assist with directing participants and spectators where to park and keep the flow of cars moving to designated parking areas.


Located off Old Cumberland Street at Riverbluff Park in Ashland City.

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