Register For
Gold Nugget Triathlon

Registrant #1

Login with your TriSignup account.

This will be the password for your TriSignup account.
Format: mm/dd/yyyy
Used for age group calculations
Valid formats include: 000-000-0000 or 0000000000

Choose Your Event *

Sunday May 18, 2025
Open to ages 10+.

$80.00 + $6.40 SignUp Fee

Friday May 9, 2025 - Sunday May 25, 2025
Open to ages 10+.

$80.00 + $6.40 SignUp Fee




I understand that I must pick up my bib at one of the three pre-race bib pick-ups, and must present my driver's license to receive my bib. I understand as a guardian of anyone 17 and under, I may pick up their bib for them. I also understand there is no bib pick up on race day.

Bike Drop-off and Damage Waiver

I understand participation involves the potential for damage to property including loss or damage that may occur to my bicycle during the time period commencing when I drop off the bicycle at the race venue on May 17, 2025 and ending when I retrieve the bicycle on May 18, 2025, including any loss or damage that may occur within transition areas, while other transport my bike between transition areas, or during the Event. I thereby agree to and hereby waive, to the extent permitted by law, any claim against the Gold Nugget Triathlon, Inc. and/or its officers, directors, agents, race directors, contractors, volunteers, or representatives arising out of or in an way related to such damage referenced above that may occur to my bicycle.

I will personally deliver my bike to the race transition area on Saturday, May 17, 2025,  between 1:00pm and 5:00pm. I understand that USAT rules require that only registered racers may enter the transition area and I will not request another person to pick up my bike. ** To avoid disqualification by USAT rules, I will wear a helmet before, during, and after the triathlon; including going to/from my car. **The exception is a registered participant may deliver another racer's bike on Saturday if the racer is unable to attend bike drop off; however they will not be allowed in the transition area. A transition volunteer will have to take the participants bike to their respective bike spot.

Other Information

I understand that the Gold Nugget Triathlon, Inc. may share my contact information with third parties, but only those that provide support or services to the race.

I also understand that the event may be cancelled due to any of the following reasons, including but not limited to: weather conditions, natural disasters, or threats to local and/or national security including suspected terrorist activity. There will be no refunds.

Photographs: I hereby grant full permission to the Gold Nugget Triathlon, Inc. and/or agents hereby authorized by them, to use any names, photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recording, or any other record of this event for a legitimate purpose at any time.

Personal Information: I understand that I am freely volunteering my date of birth and any other required information as a condition of entering this event. I therefore agree to and hereby waive, to the extent permitted by law, any claim against the Gold Nugget Triathlon, Inc. and/or its officers, directors, agents, contractors, volunteers or representatives arising out of or in any way related to the use or misuse of such information.


Due to shipping timelines and supply chain considerations, we must order all swag by mid-March. 

Virtual racers who register on or before March 15, 2025 are guaranteed to receive the full swag package.  When we place the orders, we do our very best to estimate the total number of racers in the in-person and virtual event, but there is the possibility of some swag items not being available to virtual racers who register after March 14, 2025.

For those virtual racers who register after March 14, 2025, if all items are not available for our early-/mid-May shipping we will ship your packet at the end of the event in hopes we will have extra swag and be able to send the full swag package to you as well. That shipment will go out no later than June 8, 2025.

If you live in the Anchorage bowl, we encourage you to pick-up your packet at one of the packet pick-up dates. If you live in the Anchorage bowl and would still like your packet mailed to you there will be a $10.00 mailing fee plus a $2.00 processing fee.

For those virtual racers who registered on or before March 14, 2025 and live outside the Anchorage bowl* or out of state, your packet will be mailed between May 9 – 15, 2025.

For those virtual racers who registered on or after March 15, 2025 your packets will be mailed out no later than June 9, 2025.

*Anchorage Bowl is considered from Eagle River to Girdwood. Thus if you live outside of the Anchorage Bowl, (North of Eagle River or South of Girdwood) your items will be mailed to you at no charge.

If you transferred your In-person registration to the virtual registration the same rules (above) apply based on the day you registered. If you live inside the bowl area, and transferred your registration to the virtual event,  BUT did not pick up your packet at one of the packet pick ups, you will be charged for shipping/mailing.

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