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Gum Tree 10k

Sat May 10, 2025 Tupelo, MS 38804 US Directions

Gum Tree 10k

Donation Goal: $3,000

Hunger Coalition of Northeast Mississippi
We connect people to food pantries in their area and connect service organizations with the resources they need.
We educate the community about the deep impact of food insecurity and bring awareness to local programs.
We advocate for better resources, funding, and connections with local and state level leaders.
Physical address:
454 E. President Street Tupelo, MS 38801
                                         Tupelo-Lee Humane Society
The Tupelo-Lee Humane Society (TLHS) was founded in December 1979 to bring more attention to companion animal overpopulation and to replace the local “pound” with a true animal shelter. Both goals were accomplished. 

TLHS is a privately run non-profit organization (501(c)3), but we do currently contract with and receive funding from the City of Tupelo and with Lee County.  However, TLHS primarily relies on funding from donations and fundraisers to help house, feed, and care for the 6,000 animals per year who enter the shelter. We are a dedicated team of trained staff and volunteers that strive to provide a temporary home for the abused, neglected, lost, or abandoned and unwanted animals.
Physical Address:
2795 Cliff Gookin Blvd., Tupelo, MS 38801



Raised of $3,000


Top Donors

$130 Raised By 9 Donors

$25 on behalf of April Callahan
$25 from Anonymous
$25 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Bonnie Partridge
$10 on behalf of Rachel Simmons
$10 on behalf of Richard Vanatta
$10 from Anonymous
$5 from Anonymous

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